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Boosting Economy
This project seeks to stimulate the economy, connecting rural producers and cities with distributors and consumers of agricultural products, manufactured products of all kinds, and services and needs of non-profit entities, creating a Social Entrepreneurship option.
The foundations are in the concept of the Base of the Pyramid, raised by researchers like C. Prahalad and Muhammad Yunus.
We seek to apply the experiences in India and Bangladesh on opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid, such as e-Choupal in India, which through communications and the internet in rural areas has shown great benefit to disadvantaged populations.
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Connecting producers, consumers and distributors, of goods and services of all kinds, will boost the economy, not only in Colombia but throughout the world.
The objective is not only to seek fairer prices for all the protagonists, but also to create various forms of Social Entrepreneurship, by connecting non-profit organizations and their needs (nursing homes, children's homes, etc.) with Social Entrepreneurs help opportunities, will also be benefited by helping.
The use of technology makes the economy more dynamic by making available to all users the price information of products for sale and consumption, benefiting all players with better prices and geographic availability information.
The Base of the Pyramid is made up of the poor of the planet. According to World Bank statistics, more than 4 billion poor people are part of the Base of the Pyramid.
What is BlockChain?
Over the past decade, an alternative digital paradigm has slowly been taking shape at the edges of the internet. This new paradigm is the blockchain.
Resultado de imagen para UTS
Alliance UTS AuroraTech
We are finalizing details of a UTS - AuroraTech Alliance to develop the Platform Boosting Economy.
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Social Entrepreneurship and Messages of Reflection about the Search for God
MOOC on Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship Options
Messages of Reflection about the Search for God