Seminar ABNORMAL SITUATIONS AUTOMATION - 2nd Semester 2018 (watch the Video with subtitles in English)
The program ABNORMAL SITUATIONS AUTOMATION trains engineers in Automation, Electronics, Chemicals, Mechanics and related areas in Alarms Management, Fault Detection and Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control, to later serve in the Industry as Technological Entrepreneurs by proposing and executing projects Of implementation of these technologies and others related.
What topics will the Seminar address:
Hierarchy of Industrial Control Systems (under normal conditions)
The current situation in industry
Alarm Management
Detection and Diagnosis of Early Faults
Impact on Process Safety and the Environment
Sequences of alarms to detect and diagnose faults
Applied Detection and Diagnostic Techniques
Date: 2nd Semester 2018 (4 hours)
Location: TO DEFINE. Johannesburg (South Africa).
Investment: US$49 Includes MEMORIES and Certificate of Assistance
To acquire your entry ticket, MEMORIES and Certificate of Assistance, pay with PayPal (it is easy to create your account, just follow the instructions):
Increase Process Safety in Your Industry, and Become a Technological Entrepreneur!!!